Tag Archive for: Automation
New Year, New…Kaizen?
New Year's resolutions never last, yet people make them every year. There's a better way to improve your business, your life. It's called Kaizen.
Digital Transformation:
What is it and Why Should I Care?
Although it sounds expensive and complicated, digital transformation can be easy and affordable. Learn how to drive engagement, empower your employees, and optimize your business with tools you may already be using.
What is it and Why Should I Care?
Work Healthier and Happier with Workflow Automation
Utilizing your technology strategically and creating a workflow automation removes a burden from the shoulders of employees and their employers. Staff with clear goals, clear means of achieving them, and adequate time to do a good job, tends to be more relaxed, more productive, happier, and healthier.
5 Ways Workflow Automation Reduces Employees’ Stress
There are so many benefits when workflow automation is put into place and technology is leveraged to help better the company. One of the main effects is certainly the removal of stress throughout the workplace.
Top 10 Essential Features of a Workflow Management System
Looking for a new or better workflow software can be overwhelming. Simplify your search by focusing on these must-have workflow automation package features.
Is “Workflow-as-a-Service” Right For Your Business?
For decades, companies have tried to develop systems to make business processes more efficient. Today, automated workflow management systems have become so prevalent that Workflow-as-a-Service (WaaS) is a common offering that could benefit your business.