Cyber Security

Tag Archive for: Cyber Security

umbrella for cyber insurance

Do I Need Cyber Insurance for My Business?

Insurance can be complicated and costly. But not having the coverage you need can be even worse. Get the scoop on cyber insurance here.
Data Privacy Week 2022

Data Privacy Day So Important It’s Now a Week

Millions of us are unaware of how our personal information is being used and shared in this digital world. Data Privacy Week aims to empower individuals and companies to take action.
information technology i.t. seasons of the year

How to Celebrate the I.T. Seasons of the Year to Strengthen Your Business [Video]

Business owners tend to put their business technology on the back burner until something breaks. Try the I.T. seasons of the year and optimize instead. Your bottom line will thank you.
Infinity Inc shines a light on the dark web

Shining A Light on the Dark Web

Has access to your business been exposed on the dark web? Find out what that means and how you can keep it from happening.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion

Infinity, Inc. Named Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and Infinity, Inc. is ready to champion the effort to promote safer online practices. Learn how here.
receptionists for generic accounts and security

Generic Accounts: Are They Worth the Risk?

Generic accounts have been used in businesses for years. But with the increase in cybersecurity threats and the tools available today, are they worth the risk?
unwanted spam emails in inbox without email security solution

How to Stop the Spam and Protect My Emails

Email security is absolutely critical to businesses. From spam to viruses and phishing attacks, the threats come in just as important messages do. Find out how to protect your network here.
disaster recovery plan video and how to write one

Why You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan and How to Write One [Video]

Watch this video from our CEO to find out why your business needs a disaster recovery plan and how to write or improve one.
Godfather cybersecurity 1972 Paramount Pictures

What The Godfather can Teach Us about Cybersecurity

What can a mafia don from the 1940s teach us about protecting our businesses today? More than you think. Get The Godfather's take on cybersecurity here.