Tag Archive for: Internet of Things
Is the Backdoor to Your Business Unlocked?
Feels like everything is connected to the Internet these days. But you might not want that in your business. Learn about the IoT security risks that could be hiding in your network.
What are the Dangers of Shadow I.T.?
You've probably never heard of Shadow I.T., yet it could be running rampant throughout your business. Learn about the dangers and ways to mitigate them here.
Spring Cleaning Your Digital House
Spring cleaning makes your home so much happier and healthier, doesn't it? So don't forget to refresh your digital house, too, data and devices.
5G – The Future of the Internet is Here
The next big thing expected to change the way we live, work, and play is 5G. This next generation of connectivity is the future, and the future is here.
Alphabet Soup: Common IT Terms and Abbreviations
Technology terms can be confusing. So we’re making them simpler. Get definitions of common IT terms and abbreviations here to better understand your business.
Infinity, Inc. to be Recognized as Coastal Expert
Coastal Experts provide industry-specific information and advice based on their years of experience. Infinity, Inc. proudly joins Coastal Experts as a specialist in business IT solutions.