Infinity, Inc. Announces 2020 Anniversary Scholarship Winner
After a very close competition, we are proud to announce the winner of our 2020 Anniversary Scholarship. Please congratulate Nigel Smith, recent graduate of Savannah Early College High School!
This is only the second year we have offered the scholarship, and despite (or perhaps because of) the shift to education at home, the applicant pool increased by 50%. We were also honored to have celebrity judges, including Kim Gusby of WSAV and Ron Wilson, Executive Director of Royce Learning Center, return to review the submissions from area high school students. As it was last year, the scholarship is available to eligible graduating seniors in Chatham, Bryan, and Effingham Counties. You can find the complete Anniversary Scholarship rules here.
Upon hearing that he won, Nigel said:
“I am honored to have been chosen for this award and am humbled that you all enjoyed the video. I appreciate this opportunity immensely, and I cannot overstate how much this means to me. With your tremendous aid through this scholarship, I can be set on my career path without a heavy burden of debt, and that’s something I cannot under-appreciate.”
Nigel was dual-enrolled at Savannah Early College and Savannah State University his senior year, and he plans to pursue further studies in Data Science and Computers at SSU in the fall. He also plans to achieve his Master’s after undergrad and concentrate in government work. Nigel’s involvement with the Model African Union and Model United Nations group allowed him to make various connections with United States Consulates in Washington, D.C., and generated an interest in how government and technology work together as one.
Nigel and his mother came to our office for a presentation of the check and a tour, which you can see here on WSAV. And we were able to take a quick photo without the masks on so you can see the big smiles they were hiding. Click the image to view larger.
In a follow-up thank you message, Nigel wrote,
“With so much turbulence in the current world, you all were able to give me a stability in the future that I could only dream of just a few weeks ago. I am honored that you all chose my video, and from the bottom of my heart, I am grateful.”
You can watch Nigel’s submission video here.
Thank you, once again, to all of the students who took the time to apply to this year’s scholarship, and Congratulations, Nigel!