A Better Way to Weigh Your Choices
Choosing a new IT Services provider—or even deciding to renew with one—can seem overwhelming. Everyone says they’re “different,” and some throw around complicated technical jargon to seem superior. They don’t all use the same terms for what they do, and that makes it incredibly difficult to compare apples to apples.
So to help make a hard decision easier, we’ve compiled a list of 24 easy-to-understand business technology questions you can use to calculate your risk with your current or a prospective provider.
Answer Yes or No to the questions below to get an immediate risk assessment, or print pdf copies to compare more than 1 provider.
All questions are optional, but the more you can fill in, the more accurate your assessment will be.
Service Provider Risk Assessment Calculator
Get your quick risk assessment with this list of managed IT services provider questions designed to measure their proactivity, reliability, and investment in your success.
After the Assessment
Once you have your initial assessment, consider the following 3 factors:
- Will I have to become an IT expert to understand or check behind this provider?
- How do my employees feel about working with them, i.e., does my staff delay reporting issues because of unhelpful or unfriendly responses?
- Do these IT people understand my business?
An IT Services Provider should be a strategic partner, helping to bring your business to the next level. You wouldn’t settle for less for your customers, so why settle for less for yourself?
Ask a question or tell us exactly what you’re looking for. Together, we’ll find the best solution for you and your business.