Find and access the right document and other content instantly
Improve the speed and transparency of your processes
Avoid content chaos with enhanced content control and security
True Document Management
Imagine the difference of an intelligent information management platform that organizes content based on what it is, not where it’s stored.
You can even connect to existing network folders and systems to make them more intelligent with built-in AI to automatically categorize and protect information.
Stop wasting time searching
Most organizations use 4 or more repositories to store and manage content in complex folder hierarchies. As a result, 46% of office workers say it’s challenging and time-consuming to find the documents they need.
By managing content according to “what” it is, users never need to remember “where” something was stored. Even if that content is stored in a 3rd party system, like SharePoint, Dropbox, network file shares or other ECM systems!
A simple keyword search is enough to find the right content instantly and without having to browse numerous folders and locations. Just knowing what it is you are working on is all that is needed!
Increase the speed of your business
65% of businesses experience challenges with reviewing and approving documents. Often, review and approval processes are manual and slow down operations, from accounts payable to HR and customer service.
Equip your business with electronic workflow and e-signing, even from mobile devices, allowing your staff to process tasks faster and without the hassle of having to rely on paper.
Going digital will improve insight as you will always know where and with who something is, get clarity on bottlenecks and benefit from a full audit trail for traceability and compliance purposes.
Keep it organized and secure
On average, a document gets copied 19 times during its lifecycle. That makes it hard to find and maintain the latest version. 68% of office workers confirm this is impacting their work negatively.
In our document management system, there is only 1 version of every document and it’s always up to date, while the system maintains a full history of the changes that were made, with the ability to roll-back at any time.
This system also allows your staff to share content with colleagues and business partners in a simple and secure manner without having to rely on 3rd party consumer systems like Dropbox. Additionally, advanced co-authoring eliminates the hassle involved with merging multiple document versions.
Learn more about document management and how to choose the best option for your business in this 6 minute video from WSAV’s Coastal Experts with our CEO Chuck Brown.