Category: Network Security

frustrated man at computer with security policies

Security Policies – So Often Cursed Yet So Crucial

Want the best frontline protection for your business? Implement a strong security policy to mitigate risk both from within and without.
hand holding cell phone to show cybersecurity awareness and action month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness, or Better Yet, Action Month

It's time to turn your cybersecurity awareness into action this October. Get 4 simple things you can do to better protect yourself online.
data leaking to criminals for data loss

5 Strategic Tips to Prevent Data Loss

If you suddenly lost all your business's data, what would you do? Data loss prevention is critical. Use these 5 free tips to do it right.
playground obstacle course for fun in MFA

Putting the Fun in MFA (Video)

Who knew cybersecurity could be so entertaining? We're going to show you how to put the fun into MFA (or 2FA).
digital fingerprint for Identity Management Day

Use Identity Management Day to Protect Yourself and Your Business

Identity-related breaches are seemingly everywhere, but they are also preventable. Don't leave yourself or your business open to risk. Find out how to protect yourself here.
umbrella for cyber insurance

Do I Need Cyber Insurance for My Business?

Insurance can be complicated and costly. But not having the coverage you need can be even worse. Get the scoop on cyber insurance here.
Infinity Inc shines a light on the dark web

Shining A Light on the Dark Web

Has access to your business been exposed on the dark web? Find out what that means and how you can keep it from happening.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion

Infinity, Inc. Named Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and Infinity, Inc. is ready to champion the effort to promote safer online practices. Learn how here.
receptionists for generic accounts and security

Generic Accounts: Are They Worth the Risk?

Generic accounts have been used in businesses for years. But with the increase in cybersecurity threats and the tools available today, are they worth the risk?