
Tag Archive for: Employees

hourglass running out for digital identity management

It’s Time to Take Identity Management Seriously

Every online account you have is part of your digital identity. And each of those opens you and your network up to risk. It's time to take identity management seriously.
person with face hidden for 3 ways to practice data privacy

3 Ways to Practice Data Privacy

Data Privacy Week was created to address our current public safety crisis. Participate in it and protect yourself with these 3 ways to practice data privacy.
infinity best of georgia 2022 winner banner

Infinity, Inc. Named Best of Georgia® Computer & I.T. Firm Again

The community has spoken, and the 2022 Best of Georgia winners have been announced. Infinity, Inc. would like to thank you for voting.
data leaking to criminals for data loss

5 Strategic Tips to Prevent Data Loss

If you suddenly lost all your business's data, what would you do? Data loss prevention is critical. Use these 5 free tips to do it right.
high five to celebrate promotions

Infinity Celebrates Promotions and New Hires

We try to keep the focus on our clients at Infinity, but we know you like to see the team, too. Please enjoy these recent promotions and introductions to new hires.
digital fingerprint for Identity Management Day

Use Identity Management Day to Protect Yourself and Your Business

Identity-related breaches are seemingly everywhere, but they are also preventable. Don't leave yourself or your business open to risk. Find out how to protect yourself here.
Data Privacy Week 2022

Data Privacy Day So Important It’s Now a Week

Millions of us are unaware of how our personal information is being used and shared in this digital world. Data Privacy Week aims to empower individuals and companies to take action.
information technology i.t. seasons of the year

How to Celebrate the I.T. Seasons of the Year to Strengthen Your Business [Video]

Business owners tend to put their business technology on the back burner until something breaks. Try the I.T. seasons of the year and optimize instead. Your bottom line will thank you.
Best of Georgia winner Infinity inc

Infinity, Inc. Wins Best of Georgia® Computer & I.T. Firm

Thanks to you, Infinity, Inc. is a 2021 Best of Georgia winner! Find out more about the competition and other statewide winners here.